Utilizing Kristi Borst’s experience and talents in deciding how best to utilize your advertising and marketing communications budget, will most likely result in your both getting more for your money and getting the bottom-line results you are seeking. For nearly 30 years, Kristi has worked with various small- and medium-sized businesses to develop integrated marketing plans which deliver their product/service to the purchase decision makers.
“If you would like to learn more about working with me, whether you are seeking help with an isolated project, or you want someone to be an off-site marketing manager for your firm, please give me a call. Let’s start the dialog toward creating a potentially long-term working relationship that results in your success!”
Marketing Communication Design and Digital Photo Editing

Kristi has a range of talents which enable her to work on virtually all aspects of the planning, writing, design/creation phases. This means that nothing gets lost in transmission of your ideas and goals PLUS there is definitely an economy to having the same person working on multiple facets of the marketing program. Despite her autonomous nature, Kristi has affiliations and connections with many resources and suppliers and will partner with others when it best serves her clients.
If you haven’t already done so, visit other Photography & Digital Image Editing Samples, Computer Graphics, Logo Designs and Web Site authorship.
Trade Show, Point-of-Purchase Display, and Packaging Design

As you look through this site, you will see that most of the clients who work with Ad•Mark•Com have been long-term clients. “I really enter the relationship feeling as if I am a member of the client’s firm. I do what’s best for them and their bottom line. I bring to the table not only design and writing strengths, but also an intuitive sense of how best to communicate and position the client’s message. Business owners recognize this and, as a result, long-term business alliances and friendships are formed with my clients.”

Billboard advertising for a public transportation system … an atypical approach for a chiropractor.
“Many of my clients have been relying on my graphic design, copywriting, digital photography, image editing, marketing planning, and overall project management skills for many years. I bring skills and intuitive insights to the table. I love to help other business owners to reach their audience and to succeed! I’ve built my business on designs that get results!”