“I have been interested in photography for many years. In the early years of Ad·Mark·Com, I served as photographer on many of my clients’ jobs based upon limited budgets or the need for quick turnaround.”
“While I have hired and supervised professional photographers on many assignments, sometimes it just makes sense for me to take the photos. I do have what some call ‘a good eye’ and exceptional image editing skills based upon more than 30 years’ experience.”
“This is work I love to do, so contact me, even if you think your job is small. Let’s have some fun!” Kristi
Digital Photo Editing
This was my first assignment with Wasco. There were product addition and specification changes to the interior of the brochure, but client wanted to leave the cover as is. I convinced them to let me do some image editing to the cover to better convey their product, large-scale skylights. I also felt the company name was a bit too muted on the original.
Before/After Sampling
Click on any image to go to larger views on stand-alone page.

Digital Art
(More samples are shown on the Computer Illustration and Logo pages. You may also view my energy-in-form Healing Artwork on my Healing Resonance with Kristi Borst web site.)
“I love doing digital artwork as well. The image below was created for a new restaurant prior to its official opening. Our strategy was to not use actual photography, both from the standpoint that the space wasn’t totally ready and also to allow the prospective customers to imagine their experience there. So much fun!” Kristi
Here are some of my photos for business and pleasure. In some cases copyright is shared with clients properties.